Phone: 617-838-9448
Email: anna(at)annagiraldokerr(dot)com
Featured in:
Story Angles:
Becoming a leader in a globalized, technology-driven workplace.
Managing networking relationships in a diverse, multicultural workplace.
Career and leadership trends in the 21st century.
How to stand out in a difficult job market.
How to gain clarity in one’s skills, values and competencies.
How to become a life-long learner at any age.
Interview questions:
What are the new demands for up and coming professionals looking to play a leadership role in their organizations?
Why is it important to take a leadership stance when looking for work?
What factors are influencing diversity strategies in organizations?
What are the current career and hiring trends and how to effective respond to them?
How have jobs and the workplace change in the past five years?
What are the latest recruiting trends?